Friday, September 10, 2010

What Does Turquoise Jelly Mean

Praise whistle

" Marcello Dell'Utri has been harshly criticized in Como and was forced to leave in a hurry the room where he had to speak. The program included the presentation of the diaries of Mussolini owned by the senator of the People of Liberty, who was sentenced on appeal to contest with the Mafia. [...]" Maybe the authors of the 'Bravo' even know it, but their barbaric behavior against Marcello Dell'Utri has the character of an action squad ". He says Capezzone, spokesman of the PDL [..] "The event that has prevented Dell'Utri yesterday to speak to Como is absolutely worthless and should be condemned by all. Instead we see that there is a conspiratorial silence and disturbing." It says Fabrizio Cicchitto, the House leader Pdl. "Rainews 24

"The President of the Senate disputed by some grillini the party of the Democratic Party di Torino, says," just the season of poison "and expects" greater responsibility ".
The head of state Giorgio Napolitano regrets" the uproar against intimidation Renato Schifani. "" The attempt to prevent intimidation uproar with a free flow of political events and speeches is a sign of the alarming degeneration that characterizes the behavior of groups, albeit minority, unable to comply with the principle of free and democratic discussion and recognize in the parliament and judiciary in the same institutions in the democratic system which is responsible for any clarification and research of truth. " [...] "Try to listen," Fassino said the demonstrators. "The party of the Democratic Party - he added - is a place where we discuss, we've invited the president Schifani, knowing that many of his ideas are different from ours. Recently, we have accused of being a squad who wants to contest the party of Gianfranco Fini on Sunday. This method is the same "." Il Sole 24 Ore

"At five o'clock the meeting was scheduled on the challenges of work and development. Invited the deputy secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta, Aldo Soldi, president of Coop, and just Bonanni. The union did not have time to speak to greet the audience that gets hit by a volley of boos and chants. [...] The first to comment on the incident is still on stage, Enrico Letta, "You have nothing to do with democracy - said the protesters - You are the opposite of what the country needs ". [...] For the whole day was a series of declarations and condemnations of the episode. From Fiom [...] "Democracy is an inalienable principle, based on the comparison and that everyone should have the freedom to express their opinions," said the secretary general of the Fiom-CGIL, Landini. [...] So the secretary Pd Pier Luigi Bersani, the first to call Bonanni: "It was an act of intimidation, I would say squad. "" We must recover the culture of dialogue, "said Secretary of Sel, Nichi Vendola. To Antonio Di Pietro, IDV, it was a demonstration of violence" harms democracy, "while Veltroni calls not to fan the flames of economic and social situation "delicate." Republic

Now breathe. Plan. Slowly inhale and exhale. And we try to think in this world upside down.
To start the argument we need to identify three variables that explain everything: freedom of speech, freedom of protest and power. In truth the first two variables are themselves result as a function of the other, but in the official narrative of consensus these days appears different because in this version lacks the third variable: the power, without which it is impossible to understand everything else, and without which the power itself becomes victim pitting freedom of speech to that of a dispute coming to define the second squad. But let's degrees.

Having noted the existence of power, it is expressed in its pure form, compulsively exercising his will power is not about who owns it (be it political, social, cultural, religious or otherwise) . The power is per se does not have a right to speak, as it does not need it. The power speaks! How and how much he wants, and the evidence of its power lies in this power without which there would be no power.
one who suffers the power (still in its pure form) has no powers of speech, this power however, as the case may nevertheless be granted with the right word. In other words, is fighting the claim and who does not hold the power that pulls its holder the right to speak. It follows then that the right word and makes sense only insofar as it is also right to criticize and challenge the power.

In the paradox of these days instead of the dominant discourse tells the story leaving himself as power and accusing those who do not hold the power to challenge it, denying freedom of speech. It then becomes the challenge to power is an act squad, an authoritarian and fascist act against his right to speak. And in the voluntary reversal of reality who does not hold power, expressing his right of speech and protest, became the censor of power. The reversal has taken just to the extent that the power he pretends to deny victims the right to speak and to challenge those who hold power do not objecting as a squad. But it is obvious that, as seen before, there is no right to speak of power, because the power to speak for themselves: Bonanni perhaps fails to make known to anyone their ideas and their own union line? And is it forbidden to say Schifani of political opinion from the President of the Senate? And Dell'Utri is found by chance to face this hard and exhausting struggle to know his (false) Mussolini diaries and defend themselves against accusations of Mafia? It is clear that the mere thought of it makes them laugh because it is never denied communicative space, in this or that living room television and newspaper in this or that and this precisely because they hold power, certainly not the same space is reserved to me and the majority of people who do not we hold the power, so if you would squadrista was denied my right to speak, not their power of speech.

In conclusion then it is good to re-establish that:
Who whistles and disputes Dell'Utri, Schifani Bonanni and exercise a sacred right to speak and protest.
Those in power (in a democratic system) must accept dissent and protest. As the power Speaks!
This is called democracy dear to my bed.