Sunday, March 15, 2009

Feria Hair Color Swatch Card


For sedentary nomadic spaces are empty, to the nomads such gaps are filled with invisible footsteps, every strain is an event that can draw mind maps.
places become a machine that lets us acquire new states of consciousness and that we improved. MISSED
should be continually be forced to recreate landmarks is leaving space to dominate us.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tryout Para Soccer For Mls

loneliness made

From here on I'll have time for evening
forget, or

to kill me all the time in a memory.

From here to evening hours will be

composed of solitude as if it were true that you were and you
time does not add up. A thought

you move, like wind,
the branches and leaves.

in Start, in the eternal distance,

while I watch you go, just to survive,

only to me in the silence of stone

and where water

Dora Panty -----00====

Bone nut between the waves in my soul

I wonder how I'll look look

cry and how promptly I'll pick them up.

- Bone walnut in the waves -

prayer will be absolute and without admissions

the silence. Spin

white grape
hides in the fog
the foot of the mountain.