Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What Will Be Of Value In 200 Years

Dr. Franker The Secret of Betty La Talpa

In the darkened room of dr. Franker a dusty beam of light illuminated a chipped tile on the floor. The dark and suffocating heat requires a need to hibernate in windows and blinds. Lying on the bed dazed and weary of nothing, dr. Franker dripping from his belly bare and sweaty. The only sound audible over his labored breathing was the fan that ran continuously in the apartment. Dr. Franker thought here is an emblematic image of life. A headlong chase nothing sweating on a bed. Cells lying on the world without grace. Dust, odor and sweat on the floor of beaten earth. It was at that very moment the phone rang. The dr. Franker waited a bit 'before you answer, it appeared that that phone ringing give yet another explanation for the chaos of life. A continuous unspoken expectation. First study investigating franker with whom I speak? - A woman's voice on the other end of the line uttered something unintelligible - mufuauff! vuofhham! - How? - Continued Dr. Franker - with whom I speak? - Emm excuse me I had forgotten to remove the gas mask, are said Betty La Talpa. - Hello Betty - said dr. Franker without enthusiasm - A fair wind? - Dr. franker, only she can help me - What's the problem? - It is the engineer Karagoriki face a walrus. Suddenly
Dr. Franker awoke, the highest in the pulsating heat of hell. Nightmare chasing him, the vision of Betty La Talpa and his respiratory masks and that other fellow, the engineer Karagoriki face a walrus and his mania for the edges of the shirts. It was the same dream that the cycle is making his way in the twilight of his mind and that reduced Dr. franker in that state of hell. What did it mean anything? Who were these monsters in his mind? What were looking for?
He rose slowly from the couch opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water, drank it all in one gulp. Ahhh!
He looked confused and saw his photo degree dusty. Thirty, her at his side, with her beautiful smile and natural. And the shirt with the image of Marilyn. I know I know, she's calling me, but what the hell ... I can not take, I can not ... I can not Betty!


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