Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Simon Deweygallery.com


The clock ticked on the shelf once alien. My eyes followed the hands resigned, unable to follow its inexorable. I got out of bed, resting his hands on his knees and looking at my feet. Arts forgotten that carried the weight of my body, distracted, half slave who carried my mind lazy. I grabbed the tea from the table, now frozen desserts and brought the cup to his mouth. I threw down a deep gulp swallowed my throat decided. The newspaper of the day before I delivered the faces of men forced to the command. I lingered on the faces of missing employees, from unlikely patrons of bars, on businessmen in the province or potential electricians, forced by fate cynical and cheat to keep a family privilege, to ensure revenue. To ensure that they are brilliant political career. Men forced to operate. The letters of the newspaper is continuous blend with the sound on the news, while a very successful blog gave his authoritative views on the latest public scandal. News chasing me thirsty, I hunted at any time, even in a loose-leaf Free imposed my attention. It was pure drugs which he received the tribute of dependence: But that day I decided that I would have taken a break. Quitting would have been a choice beyond my powers, day after day ensured that my addiction to everyday life. Tomorrow I stop to inquire.


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